who is ready to kick off the weekend? besides oscar and me that is. i know i talk about the weather incessantly. it must be that midwesterner in me, but we have had some unbelievably moderate temps this summer. it’s june 9th, and we’ve mostly seen seventies and eighties for highs. last summer was our first in georgia, but i distinctly remember sweating bullets on our front porch this time last year. so i will count my blessings, slip a vest over my shorts and head to the nearest lake. which by-the-way is only a stone’s throw from our house.
it’s always been a dream of mine to own lake property as a destination for family and friends. i envision hot summer days when we hop on a boat toodle around the lake once or twice then wrap up in beach towels barbecue a few hamburgers and melt smores over a crackling fire when the stars light up in the sky. we’ll buy oscar a life preserver and he’ll ride shotgun in the boat. and snitch a hamburger when no one is looking. i don’t know if the dream will ever become a reality but we’re taking the first step and exploring the possibilities.
in the meantime, mr. style, oscar, and i spent a delightful afternoon lakeside with the sun shining overhead. not a bad way to ease into the weekend. so wherever you are whatever your plans oscar and i wish each of you a lovely weekend. and while you’re at it dream a little dream.
labels: shorts Talbots; sweater Talbots (old, similar here and here); vest (similar here and here); sandals Dolce Vita (similar here and here)
My Mr. LBD found us a lake house one weekend while I was away “working” of course. At the time we were city dwellers, and had grandbaby # 1 on the way. I ,off the cuff, said here’s what I like in a lake house with some dirt and woods for the grands to explore…it can happen! The grands are mostly grown now and another family is enjoying the 700′ of pure joy with no AC place now. We have the best memories to hang onto! Go of it!-Laurel Bledsoe
Such a beautiful place. I’m sure Oscar is delight for beeing there. Doesn’t he wanted a bath? have a nice weekend.
Sounds idyllic! I hope you get to fulfill that dream. How nice to be so close to the lake! Sounds really lovely. Have a great weekend–you and Oscar look like you’re off to a good start. I like the simple black and white–looks great.
We’ve had such a gorgeous week here, and today is when we’re supposed to start to see it back up into the 90’s for days onward. So I enjoyed this past week immensely. Today it’s linen and espadrilles here. Happy weekend!
Wish I could have a friday with Oscar!!
love dogs!
Jade | Personal Fashion & Style Blog
Oscar is right with you on your lake home dream…especially nicking hamburgers. All of that sounds lovely… Your outfit is perfect for a summer day. My husband and I talk about the weather but we were both raised on farms. Farmers watch the weather…could mean a good crop or none.
Hello, Oscar is so beautiful, I have a female dog, and she is so equal to Oscar.
You can see in this pictures.
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3d67ff7280ca6b6e2e92c35536422d1b4b1f2895fa7220b0e2f7e4baf30a49c9.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/186cda11defd33dc3d5b2f5755af2ce4645e0b5a16064de6d74383fdc89c4270.jpg .