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fridays with oscar

fridays with oscar

fridays with oscar

fridays with oscar

fridays with oscar

fridays with oscar

fridays with oscar

fridays with oscar

oscar doesn’t know it yet, but mr. style and i are headed to hilton head this weekend. this time, one of our kiddo’s is in town and offered to dog sit which will make oscar mayer a happy camper. but i’m giving our plants a once over before we head out of town. although oscar could care less if  our tomato plant needs a drink of water. no, if this guy is outside it’s all about his soccer ball. so i took a little break from my outdoor duties and tossed the ball with my buddy. after all, i won’t see him for a few days. which is an eternity in dog time. but we’re ready to hit the road and oscar is ready for his surprise visitor to show up!

on that happy note, oscar and i wish each of you a lovely weekend!

labels: pants J.Jill; tee Talbots; denim jacket (old, similar here); sandals Target; earrings Chico’s (similar here); brooch Chico’s (similar here); bracelets Nest


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  1. Sue Smith

    Ohhh…have a great time in Hilton Head! One of my favorite spots. Watch out for the alligators sunning themselves on the golf courses. We went kayaking last time we were there, I think near the Harbourtown lighthouse, and it was a lot of fun. Oscar’s smart to stay and guard the home front with your son. All the color in your yard is looking great-and the hibiscus seems to be enjoying its home.

    I have that same jacket–I couldn’t resist it, as it was such a good buy, and it’s been fun to pair it with lots of things. Your pairing of it with the J Jill pants and the sandals looks lovely. Happy Cinqo de Mayo!

    1. awww, you bought the jean jacket! isn’t it a fun twist? love the fringe.
      thank goodness we didn’t see one alligator, sue. although mr. style reminded me that we spotted one last time we visited savannah… i think i blocked that from my memory.

  2. Our dog trainer told us that dogs can’t tell time…I don’t believe it. He will be waiting for you by the door! Enjoy the get away.-Laurel Bledsoe

    1. we had a ball by the beach, laurel. i just might be caught up on my sleep…

  3. He is so cute ! You look great btw <3

    ‘Share’ by August Harvest

    1. i’ve always said oscar is my best accessory!

  4. Sounds like he’ll have a fun time this weekend and you will too! The reunion is always so exciting when you’re apart for a few days!

    1. thanks, tori! oscar always goes crazy when our youngest knocks at the door! i’m certain he didn’t miss us one bit. but he was ever-do-happy to see us when we returned.

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