when stuck inside, shop your closet

  1. Joy Goreham says:

    Thanks for continuing to be both informational and relational! It’s so important for all of us to not just stay connected but to feel connected. I appreciate hoe you address both the real and the fun.

  2. Sharon says:

    Beth, I so appreciate your positivity! I started shopping my closet yesterday and what a surprise to find I love some of my older clothes with some newer pieces I bought last year! Quite a pick-me-up! Then I started taking photos of outfits, complete with jewelry, shoes, hats, etc. Now I have pictures to shop also, and they’re fun to revisit when I’m stuck for an outfit. You’re such an inspiration. Stay healthy!

  3. Donna Be kmann says:

    Hi Beth, I especially appreciate your blog/escape these days! I am a retired professional, who has managed to eliminate a dominance of work clothes from my wardrobe over the past two years, add work-out clothes and a more “time with friends and family“ style, but now I find myself in need. Superficially, the wardrobe seems fine, but it’s not very deep or high quality in specific activities, so I am hoping you could add some posts to help. Specifically, basics for activities such as camping and all that goes w that; (hiking, fishing, outdoor cooking, campfire time, etc). Beyond the basics for activities, additions for when these activities last for extended periods of time. (Car trips, etc.)
    If this is too far out of your arena, could you suggest a site that might cover this area? Thanks from sunny Boise!

  4. Paula says:

    Thank you for continuing to post ideas. At least I have something positive to read daily. Your thoughts are always helpful. One idea for posting might be more recipe ideas. I really enjoy and have tried many of your Friday recipes. Maybe some recipes for breakfast and lunch because sometimes things get a little boring and at least it is something to plan daily.

  5. Linda lennon says:

    Thanks, Beth, for being here! Love when you shop your closet. Since none of us are going anywhere, I would love to see casual outfits. We are fortunate here in Palm Desert California to be where the weather is warm plus we live on the golf course. Even sheltering in place we can get out and exercise. I am tracking my cousins cruise ship & hoping that soon they’ll be able to disembark. Their situation is much worse; they have been away since February, expected to be back last week only to be turned away from different ports.Let us all abide by the experts advice!

  6. Katie says:

    Love your outfit!

    I don’t always take time to comment, but I do surf by to see what is up. And I can not tell you how much I appreciate what you and yours are doing to keep spirits up amid this covid-19 virus threat.

    I have selected a few crafts to occupy me while my DH telecommutes and needs it to be quite here at home: Making some pretty lavender scented soaps, knitting an heirloom baby blanket for a young friend, crafting some Easter candy cone holders, and prepping a special Easter themed desert with some of these Myer lemons I have on my tree in abundance.

    I also plan to spend time outdoors, in my floral gardens shoes featured on your post a few months ago, doing yard work in my flowerbeds and enjoying hearing the song birds sing,

    I totally agree with you, that it is best to start ones day with getting dressed for the day. Big girl pants on! We can do this!

  7. Kathy says:

    Hi Beth,

    I’m so grateful for your daily posts. Your positive spin on life has also been uplifting, even more so now.

    In response to your query regarding future posts, I’m wondering if you have any suggestions or advice about hair. For those of us who will be missing our salon appointments and particularly coloring, how can we grow out our color and embrace our natural color……in my case, I think it will be salt and pepper (I’ve been coloring for years).

    Thanks for all that you do to keep us connected.


  8. Linda Hurst says:

    Keep posting, something to look forward to reading. Starting on closets today!!

  9. Thank you for the suggestion. I started in my closet yesterday. My Florida vacation has been cancelled. I had to put what I packed away.

    Stay well.

  10. Laura says:

    Thanks so much for the positive posts. I work at a power plant …. still at work…. so everyone can have electricity to their homes and the ability to work from home. I enjoyed your post on home decorating ideas for spring!

  11. Pamela Caldwell says:

    Hi Beth! I am new to your blog & have enjoyed getting caught up with your older posts. I have been doing my “closet cleanse” and “shopping” my closet this week as well! I am getting help from my 19 year old granddaughter via face time…she wanted to know where I found a certain jacket & I had to tell her: the 80’s! She actually wanted it.
    So…making the most of “sheltering in place”! I live at the beach in NC so at least walks on the beach and lots of sea air can cure cabin fever! BTW, I made your sheet pan shrimp boil for dinner (yep…we may have a shortage of toilet paper here but shrimp is plentiful!) & it was delicious. You have great recipes! Thanks again for all the encouragement! Stay well! Pam

  12. Carole Devine says:

    Hi Beth: I am hearing a bit about virtual dinner parties, Bookclub meetings etc. Would you consider hosting one so those of us less technical savvy can get some tips? I would be interested in all the steps so it may be more like a minI tutorial. Self isolation may be our new normal for quite awhile. As you have said, we are all in this together. Many thanks.

  13. Suzanne M Smith says:

    Great idea–I have realized I have so many clothes that I really can create tons of looks I tend not to sometimes. Things are getting real and it’s time we all come together in supporting one another. I’ve been encouraged at what I’m seeing here. We are ordering to-go breakfasts from one of our favorite local haunts, since they can’t open for folks to come in. Maybe think about a post on what each of us can do for those less fortunate in our own communities. Helps us all…

  14. Suzanne M Smith says:

    ps: I read this from Mary Oliver this morning:

    “It is a serious thing
    Just to be alive
    On this fresh morning
    In this broken world”
    (-Mary Oliver)

    • deb nordlie says:

      Mary Oliver.
      Isn’t she just great? She puts into words what we all know but need to be reminded of.

  15. Jan says:

    We have a puzzle out on the dining room table. Ours happens to be a Shutterfly picture of our grandchildren. It is on a piece of felt which I plan to put on fiberboard and mog pog when I am done.
    Puzzles are good for the brain and occupy a lot of time.

    Thank you for your posts, I so enjoy them. I start each day with your daily post.

  16. Lindsey says:

    Create a routine – I’ve never been one for a routine, but with increasing self-isolating the routine will become a life saver. I could even programme my phone to tell me what to do!!
    Shop your closet is a great idea, after the pandemic is over, more people will realise that they happily got by with less; clothes, beauty products, food, belongings because what matters is family, friends, neighbours, people. And the cat!! Dog!!! Reading about types of exercise, meditation, mindfulness would be good.
    Thank you for your relevant and interesting post

    • Jan says:

      I look forward to your new blog every morning Beth!
      Ideas for future bogs:
      More of your yummy recipes
      Gardening tips and pictures
      More stories and pictures of your four legged buddies
      Book recommendations
      Craft project ideas
      But really, just you sharing your sweet words and beautiful fashion ideas helps make each day a little happier. Thankyou!

  17. Paula says:

    Beth, I love the idea of shopping our closets!! I have put this into practice already and has saved me money and now with being home bound, being able to put together outfits!
    Thank you for your kind and encouraging words for all of us! Please stay safe and well and God bless!

  18. Kathy in vero says:

    My husband is the cook in our family. The other day I showed him some of your recipes. The nachos with bell peppers was scrumptious. We are also going to try the chicken salad celery boats. We are having our groceries delivered which forces us to be more intentional about what we buy. It’s a good opportunity to try new healthy meals. As for clothes, I’m happy not to have to wear a bra!

  19. Mary says:

    I enjoy your posts everyday and have used your fashion ideas and recipes several times. I look forward to checking in each day. I would like to know more details about what makes a high quality garment. I have done a lot of sewing and appreciate the quality there but am not sure how to evaluate fabric and other considerations. Maybe this could be a lesson for a day.

  20. Sylvia Espinoza says:

    Loving the post and all of the comments today. Agree that dressing as if heading out works wonders. Even after 10-plus years of retirement, i do it most all the time, with very few exceptions. Just makes you feel good!

    As we navigate through these days, I think Proverbs 31:25 in KJV is fitting: “Strength and honor are her clothing, and she shall rejoice in time to come,” and we shall, Beth and Kelly, and fellow blog sisters, we shall! ~

  21. Nancy says:

    Great blog today. You continue to keep our spirits positive

  22. Bobbie G says:

    Thanks for your positive vibe and relevant information.

    How about a scarf tying tutorial?

  23. Eve says:

    All very good advise. I have to kick myself to get started but organizing my closet and decluttering is high on my list over the next few weeks. I’m storing away my winter clothes too because our weather will probably stay in the seventies from today forward.
    My doors and windows are open today. I love your casual look. It reminds me that classics always work.

  24. Kathy Ludgate says:

    I love reading your blog with my morning coffee. Thank you for being here for us. Everyday I check in with my kids, friends, and the social groups I belong to. My knitting group members post pictures of our current project. My book club discusses the current chapter of our April book. We post pictures from our walks. Seeing the trees in bloom and hearing the birds reminds us there is hope and beauty all around us.

  25. Maura says:

    Excellent suggestions. I’m using my time to shop online, and I don’t have to buy anything, while getting ideas on colors and fashion trends. Although shelter-in-place is the recommendation from our governor, he’s also waived the fees for all state parks so that the public can enjoy the outdoors while still isolating themselves from others. Today, I went to a local park near a major river and just sat in my car and listened to the water and let the sun warm my car. Felt refreshed after

  26. Mary Ann McBride says:

    Beth-Thank you so much for continuing your daily posts. You are providing the right mix of seriousness with some much needed lightness. We all need that right now.

  27. Madeleine says:

    Constant washing of my Irish skin hands is causing them to look ancient….do you have a super CREAM (not lotion)you can recommend???

  28. Margo Mayo says:

    Your home looks so appealing when we see it in the background. Can you tell us about your place? Townhouse? Patio home? Please share some photos if you don’t think that’s too personal. thanks so much for being here.

  29. Sandy says:


    I am so happy that I stumbled onto your blog. I love your post, your style, your recipes and positivity.

    Since I am new to your blog, you may have already talked about it, but I would love to have guidance, ideas, suggestions, etc. on preparing the work wardrobe for the week. I am 61 and still working. I enjoy my job as a Community Health .Coordinator. However, even though I need to dress professionally, I have a variety of duties. In one day, I can go from spending hours on the computer, to setting up a health fair, or doing a presentation. I like your style. It is nice to come home from a long day at work and check my email inbox to find your blog post. Thank you for all you do and all you do in “style”.

  30. Pamela says:

    Thanks for continuing your posts. We need them!

    I’d love advice on how to structure a wardrobe — things like the ratio of tops to bottoms, for instance, and combining different colours.

  31. Andrea says:

    Would love some some capsule wardrobe ideas.

  32. Debra says:

    I would love to have some info on how to care for items. In particular caring for leather purses and repairing jewelry.

  33. Kathleen says:

    Keep them coming! I look forward to reading your blog. It makes me smile. Reminds me that we will eventually be back to normal. And that we need to add some patience to our strength

  34. Mary ann. Christie says:

    Excellent advise and recommendations. Such a wonderful site with lots of help in every area. Thank you. Mary ann

  35. Cathy D. says:

    Hi Beth,
    Thanks for everything you do. I love your blog!
    Something I would love to see is how to wear the same item in different ways. This item would not be a basic black blazer or pants, but something more noticeable. For example, I have a beautiful Eileen Fisher linen bright blue cardigan that I don’t wear nearly enough. Or the beautiful pink jacket you’re wearing in this post.

  36. jackie says:

    Great Post. Perhaps a magazine as you did for Christmas a while ago with all of the right things for the appropriate occassion. another thing that I would love to see is choosing the right reading and sunglasses for our face shapes and ages. Would love to see more of your garden in both spring and winter

  37. Cathy says:

    Hi Beth. Last evening my friends held a virtual book club instead of our regular meeting. We downloaded the House Party app and six of us all signed on and were able to see each other. We had so much fun we weren’t done until almost nine. Next we plan to “meet” for coffee one morning next week.

  38. shirley simkus says:

    thank you!

  39. Beth, thank you for your positive messages during this health challenging time. It made me review and remove so many unused pieces of clothing. When the Good Will opens again I have 2 big bags of good things to share with them. I am in my home myself. It does get lonely sometimes. But I am trying to make the best of it. God bless you.


  40. Ainelid Taveras says:

    HOla! Gracias por esta valiosa iniciativa. Además de lo que ya veo en su sitio web, que es fantástico, me gustaría seguir aprendiendo cómo cuidarnos en casa mientras dura este pe´riodo.

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