How To Dress The Spring-To-Summer Transition

  1. Kelly says:

    Very cute outfit but even cuter hairstyle! Love the flip on the sides and the nod to the short shag in the back (yes I wore that style in my youth)! I now have hair envy 😉

  2. Becky says:

    One of the rules of being an adult is “Always bring a sweater.” This one is so light weight that it is perfect for the inside AC or outdoor cool breezes that sometimes pick up in the evening. The black & white combo is perfect for our Indy 500 weekend.

    • Beth Djalali says:

      that’s a good rule to follow. it’s invariably freezing inside when it’s hotter than hades outside. thanks for sharing.

      • Beth Djalali says:

        hi! sorry i missed this one. yes, it looks as if we linked to the wrong pant. but it just might work as the shades are quite similar. not an exact match but it might be worth giving it a try.

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