this post is sponsored by Always Discreet
life is too short and too precious to slow down especially when you’re on vacation. there are so many things to see and do. but, did you know 40 million American women over the age of 40 are affected by a sensitive bladder? it’s a common experience, yet many women avoid talking about it! even worse, they feel as if they can’t participate in so many things life has to offer, like a simple walk along the beach. consumer research shows managing bladder leaks can have a major impact on women’s physical activity, self-confidence, personal relationships, and overall outlook on life.
i’m happy to report that november is bladder awareness month, which means it’s time to get the conversation started on a subject many of us shy away from. there’s no reason for even one woman to miss the chance to dance and enjoy life due to a sensitive bladder.
body changes are a natural part of being a woman. bladder leaks shouldn’t hold anyone back from the activities they love. however, 30 percent of women say their sensitive bladder impacts their relationship with their partner. more than a third of women admit the threat of bladder leaks affect their ability to travel, and it limits almost 1 in 3 women’s ability to visit their friends.
ladies, i know it isn’t easy to get the conversation started about sensitive bladders but it’s about time that we do. and i’m thankful that Always Discreet is listening to the issues that are important to us. please check out their product and share this post with a friend. as you know, 1 in 3 women experience bladder leakage. Always Discreet is providing real solutions for real women. Always Discreet is available to purchase at Walmart!
a big thank you to Always Discreet Boutique for this sponsored post. and thank you lovely readers for supporting the brands that allow me to bring you fresh ideas.
Again beautifully handled. Funny how we cannot discuss with friends but our friend Beth is always there keeping us informed discreetly
it’s so important to share topics like this one. knowledge is power and we need to know there’s a solution to our problems. xo