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fridays with oscar

oscar - 10

oscar 5

oscar - 3

oscar 9

oscar 4

joggers - 1

jogger - 6

jogger - 8

oscar 12

another week has come and gone. friday has arrived once again! and i couldn’t be happier. my husband and i are headed out to a movie this afternoon. i think we are going to the new melissa mccarthy movie – it didn’t get rave reviews, but who cares? it’s melissa mcarthy! there are certain to be some funny moments. i absolutely adore this actress who, it appears, stayed true to herself while navigating hollywood and all of its stereotypes of women. brava! i won’t get on my soapbox for long, but i do receive many emails, comments, etc… in regards to body image. i have this to say: be healthy, be happy, and dress the body you have. we come in all sizes, shapes, and ages. and i love all of it. as many of you know firsthand, each decade has its challenges. one reader put it so eloquently: my knees aren’t as firm as they once were, but neither is my face, so it all goes together! gotta love an attitude like this. so that’s it – be happy, be you. because there is only one you on this entire planet we call earth. and take the advice of my mother: put on a little lipstick before you head out the door!

on that happy note, oscar and i wish each of you a lovely weekend!

labels: track pants Lou and Grey; sweater Talbots – cashmere limited sizes (similar here and here); shirt tailor-made (similar here and here); shoes Cole Haan 


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  1. Kim

    Beth, save your money. We saw it last night. Not very good. We were disappointed. The funny parts were shown in the previews. It is really quite raunchy!!

    1. oh darn! i am so disappointed to hear this. back to the drawing board…
      happy friday, kiddo!
      xoxo beth

  2. Laura Banks Lewis

    Great post. I want to see that movie too, but also heard it was raunchy. I love Melissa McCarthy. But – I dunno…..

    1. one of my blogger friends said, “save your money.” i’m bummed!
      xoxo beth

  3. donnanance

    Good advice from your mom! A good lippy can make all the difference! xo

    1. mom’s are the best with advice!
      xoxo beth

  4. Diane Zueck

    Beth, I love this casual, comfy outfit you put together. You are as pretty as the azaleas in the background! Oscar looks good too!! I have also purchased a few items from Lou & Grey and have been very pleased with the quality.

    1. i have been very pleased with lou & grey as well! i think they have hit the sweet spot for chic/sporty looks.
      xoxo beth

  5. Debbie

    Beth, I am a recent subscriber to your blog and enjoy your posts very much. Welcome to my neck of the woods- I live about 45 miles from Athens on Lake Oconee. I also wanted to congratulate you for being recognized in the new Chicos catalogue as an inspirational woman. Looks like life is good at “a certain age”!

    1. hello, neighbor. i am loving georgia and it’s beautiful landscape! if you are ever in athens and have time for lunch just email!
      xoxo beth

  6. Nikki G

    Hear! Hear! Enjoy your movie and your Friday. xxoo

    1. always love it when friday rolls around! hope you had a great weekend, nikki.
      xoxo beth

  7. judy51

    Good Friday afternoon Beth and Oscar! Isn’t our weather gorgeous? Spring in the south just can’t be beat. As to Melissa McCarthy, I have enjoyed her in her sitcom on television but I saw her in one of her movies last year (sorry I don’t remember which one) and the cussing was unreal. I’m not a prude but it was extremely raunchy and from the previews of her newest one, I suspect the same is true of it too. My husband and I recently saw Miracles from Heaven and it was excellent….just bring lots of tissues!

    Have a great weekend!

    1. you are so right, judy, spring in the south just can’t be beat! we ended up seeing ‘eye in the sky’ with helen mirren. it was quite good.
      xoxo beth

Navy Coat winter outfit

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