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fridays with oscar (ollie)

german shepherd, maine coon cat

many of you have been asking for an update on ollie our new maine coon kitten. so here’s a few photos. ollie joined our family four weeks ago. it’s crazy but i think she’s doubled in size. she’s quite the social one and traipses down the hall behind us, climbs on my lap for a snooze, and loves to hop on my desk sit on the keyboard and activate all sorts of computer programs that i have to figure out how to deactivate…

but what a delight she is! ollie is very good natured and loves to chill. but, boy-oh-boy is she curious and investigates every square inch of the house. this poops her out so once afternoon rolls around she’ll take a catnap in a cool dark place. of course, she loves to snooze under oscar’s bed. errr, the guestroom. but she also likes to curl up on a stack of sweaters in my closet. when it’s time to film YouTube she’s known to photobomb a segment or two. i guess you’d say she’s following in oscar’s footsteps.

german shepherd, maine coon cat

german shepherd, maine coon cat

german shepherd, maine coon cat

german shepherd, maine coon cat bought this contraption for her so she’d get in a little gymnastics training on the side. but i’ve mostly seen her use it as a giant tree house as she’ll take a snooze on the top tier. ollie’s favorite toy is a tiny witch hat she wore during my witches tea party over on YouTube. i’m pretty sure she won’t be wearing it next year as it’s fairly worn and torn.

german shepherd, maine coon cat

mostly, i’d say she’s fitting right in and loves her new home.

german shepherd, maine coon cat

sweater | vest | denim

german shepherd, maine coon cat

and oscar? well, he’s more or less okay with sharing his home. but darn if ollie can’t crawl into places he can only dream about. then all that’s left to do is wait till she decides to pop back out. on that happy note, oscar and i and ollie wish each of you a lovely weekend!


About The Author

  1. Rebecca Saffer

    Oscar is such a wonderful big brother to allow Ollie some of the spotlight. What cuties you have! Enjoy the weekend, Beth.

  2. Sue Smith

    Ollie and Oscar are cuties. Good to hear they’re becoming good housemates. Enjoy the weekend.

  3. She is such a doll! I just love her! And Oscar doesn’t look too happy, but he’ll get over it. ๐Ÿ™‚

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