Giving Tuesday with Colleen Rothschild

  1. Eve says:

    I love January when everyone is walking around with new shiny faces from their Christmas gifts of new creams and lotions, new make up and new clothes. You look beautiful in flannel. That’s my uniform right now. Black pants, black flats, flannel shirt and matching hoodie. 😊

  2. Esther Rabenstein says:

    Hi Beth, I’m backtracking here…. You mentioned medjool dates one time…. I failed to make a note on that so could you give me a brand for that product? Thanks…. Esther

  3. Maeve says:

    I absolutely love the red flannel shirt. I immediately added it to my cart –and it was half price. Then my husband and I sat down to do our various donations, and I donated the money that would have gone to the BR shirt. Maybe next year?

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