timeless classic | quilted field jacket

  1. Madlyn Powell says:

    You look adorable in that outfit. How do you know how many people view your page every day?

  2. Sue Smith says:

    Nice jacket–I like the leather trim. I’m a sucker for olive greens–they really are year-round appropriate, but fabulous for this time of year and transitioning weather. Stay toasty–my son says Boston is bacing for a snow storm that’s supposed to fizzle to icy rain later. Brrrrrr…

    • beth djalali says:

      the northeast is bracing for a storm. my guy is battening down the hatches in nyc! it’s cold here but thankfully no snow. that’s the best part of living here in my humble opinion. xo

  3. beth djalali says:

    this sweater is keeping me toasty warm. it’s been unusually cold this past week! brrrrr. hope you’re staying warm. xo

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