classic essential

  1. donnanance says:

    To use an overused word from the past, you look awesome! A white shirt with a popped collar and a silk scarf, and you’re good to go. The shoes and the bag elevate the chic level. xoxo

  2. Love the shoes and the lipstick. They just make it!

  3. mary pramann says:

    i have noticed not many choices in plus size. please include us with places to find stuff like you wear.

  4. Sue Smith says:

    I saw that white blouse–it didn’t even registered with me that it was a popover ’til I’m seeing it on you. Looks pretty! Love the scarf/shoes tying things together.

  5. Sarah Newton says:

    I like the whole outfit but would really like to know the brand of your sunglasses. Where are they from?

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