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fridays with oscar

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april showers bring may flowers. happy april everyone! today the birds are singing right outside my makeshift office – the laundry room. there are several projects commencing at our house. but guess what? the tradesmen are not showing up! i’ve been through several home renovations in my lifetime, and this more-or-less rings true no matter what part of the world i’m in. time to put patience into practice so i’ll while away the hours by gathering up oscar and heading downtown. yesterday’s luncheon to celebrate dress for success was inspirational! the keynote speaker was a dynamic woman who co-founded the first african-american car dealership in atlanta with her husband. her speech resonated with the room filled to the brim with women of all ages. and it was this – confidence. we women need to be confident in ourselves, in our decisions, and we need to be heard. amen! and when you hear the stories of women who have regained their confidence through dress for success, well, you just never know whose life will be touched, whose footing will be regained, or what new directions will be taken.

on that happy note, oscar and i wish each of you a lovely weekend.

labels: chinos Old Navy; shirt CAbi; (similar here and here); sweater CAbi (similar here and here); sandals Louise et Cie (similar here and here)

About The Author

  1. donnanance

    She would have been a fabulous speaker to hear. Dressing well is not just for vanity’s sake…it does boost your confidence. Love seeing the ever so handsome Oscar. Have a lovely weekend…xoxo

    1. you would have loved hearing her talk! she was such a dynamo!!
      xoxo beth

  2. Nikki G

    I have found that I can accomplish a lot of things that I never thought I could by faking confidence! Have a great weekend!

    1. confidence is what truly makes a woman beautiful! and the old adage ‘fake it ’til you make it’ is always a good one to put into practice.
      xoxo beth

  3. Jodie Filogomo

    Sounds like a great talk!! It does get one motivated, eh?
    Speaking of dress—I love those sandals!
    And Oscar…he models so well—do you keep treats in your pocket for him? jodie
    ps…And I don’t get that not showing up thing? Nothing gets me more upset!! (I know, relax, jodie)

    1. getting dressed for the day has so much more to do with just our clothes! but then i’m preaching to the choir.
      oscar is a born ham. he always knows when the camera is pointed at him so there’s no need for cajoling or bribery on my part. now my children, well, they were a different story altogether!
      xoxo beth

  4. Talia

    Dressing well always boosts confidence! Sounds like your speaker was inspirational! I love seeing women helping women. ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. what a fabulous organization dress for success is! class act all the way. and what is more important than women helping women?!
      xoxo beth

  5. Susan Virgadamo

    Love your haircut Beth!!!! You are a role model as well!!!! Enjoy your weekend.

    1. thanks, susan! it’s always a relief when your stylist hunt begins and ends with the first try.
      xoxo beth

Navy Coat winter outfit

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