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fridays with oscar

fridays with oscar

happy black friday gang! although to be truthful oscar is happily oblivious to this ginormous shopping day. as well he should be. but he does have a few things on his christmas wish list. like a treadmill. yes, even with all of his walks around town we’ve learned there can never be too much exercise for a german shepherd.

this past week oscar spent time with a wonderful trainer at ashley hills pet center who helped fine-tune obedience commands. and introduced several new tips for his owners. like introducing a climb bench where oscar gets to chill for a few minutes or a few hours, a thunder shirt which keeps him calm, and a treadmill for extra exercise. 

fridays with oscar

but oscar (and ollie) have a few other things they hope to make it under the christmas tree this year. let’s hope ollie doesn’t knock it down… take a peek.

fridays with oscar

fridays with oscar

today’s the day i haul the christmas decorations from storage. just like my mother before me the day after thanksgiving marks the start of christmas and all the lovely traditions that go with it. this is the time of year my spode christmas dishes replace my everyday plates and the front porch gets to deck the halls. wish me luck!

fridays with oscar

denim | shirt | sweater | booties

fridays with oscar

fridays with oscar

but first, coffee. and i’ve shared a few goodies for those coffee drinkers (like me). did you know that according to the experts coffee is actually good for us? take a look at some of their findings.

  • Lowers risk of CVD & stroke, Alzheimerโ€™s Disease & dementia, liver cancer & cirrhosis of the liver. 
  • Lowers risk of Parkinsonโ€™s Disease by 25% 
  • Lowers risk of premature death by 25% and extends longevity at 4-5 cups daily 12-16% 
  • Decreases insulin sensitivity thereby lowering risk of Type 2 diabetes
  • Boosts serotonin & dopamine levels contributing to an elevated mood, suppressing depression 

About The Author

  1. Imastounded

    Somehow, coffee gifts make their way under the tree every year in one form or another at our house. There was an espresso machine, followed by tiny cups, and this year a burr coffee grinder and coffee press. I guess we love coffee. It’s a bonus that the latest report claims that three cups a day will add years to your life.

    Enjoy the decorating!

    1. i love the fact that red wine and coffee get high marks for being good for us! and i’m sticking to that story.

  2. Rebecca Saffer

    I never leave home without a couple of mugs of good coffee! Congratulations to Oscar on passing his training with flying colors – what a great dog. FYI, Beth, if you are back in NYC before 1/7, you might want to check out a new Louis Vuitton exhibit at the old American Stock Exchange (86 Trinity Place). I saw it today and it was very interesting and informative about the brand’s history.

    1. the louis vuitton exhibit sounds fascinating. recently, i was tempted to buy a coffee table book that dove into their long history. it even had a leather luggage handle on the front cover. but i imagine this was way more fun than a book.

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