Sephora’s Holiday Savings Event 2023 – What to Buy and How to Shop 

  1. Nancy says:

    Jennifer, your posts are always so happy! I guess because make-up makes me happy, and you do such an outstanding job in whatever you present.
    I love this post! Your daughter is so cute! Must be fun shopping together.
    Thanks for so many great ideas! I only have one “girl” I shop for…and that’s me! I’m surrounded by men. I’m going to have to get myself over to Sephora

    • Jennifer says:

      That warms my heart to hear that you find my posts to be a happy place!! Exactly how I feel about makeup myself – it genuinely makes me so very happy! It’s Happiness applied directly to the face 🙂 Sounds like you deserve to treat and shower yourself with a Sephora cart of beauty things!

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