3 Vacation Activewear Outfits Perfect For Spring & Summer

  1. Andrea says:

    OMG!!!!! That navy outfit makes you look 10 yrs younger – seriously. The lighter green short outfit is nice but, I think it ages you. Perhaps because of the colour, or just very predictable, but that navy outfit is sooo modern and the colour is definitely you. Heavenly.

    • Beth Djalali says:

      i’m just curious, andrea, as to why outfits have to be qualified by age? do we want to look younger? or do we just want to look good? totally fine if you don’t like an outfit. on any given day 50% of my readers love an outfit and 50% don’t. it’s our nature to filter another woman’s outfit through your own particular “style lens” but age has nothing to do with style. so let’s age together with grace, strength, and beauty. let’s change the conversation about looking older or younger. let’s make this a better world for our daughters and granddaughters. younger doesn’t equal better and we don’t need to chase the fountain of youth.

      • Andrea says:

        Totally agree, Beth. I guess my choice of words wasn’t the greatest, but it seemed better than ‘frumpy.’ I should probably have said, the navy outfit suited you better, or did you more justice. Thanks for the reminder.

  2. Mary says:

    You are such an inspiration and I love your blue outfit. You are truly living your mission of grace, strength, and beauty! Thank you!

  3. Linda says:

    I just had to stop in and tell you what my 14 yr old Granddaughter said to me. She said “Mimi I love the way you dress”. I asked what she meant and she said “you dresss like you not like me, my Mom, or anybody else. You have your own style and I love it.” Now, I am 74 years young and I wear what makes me feel good and looks good on my body. Age is just a number and in my head I am still a very young woman. When I think about it that is how my friends and I talk about ourselves. We don’t dwell on our aches and pains and bodies that our far from perfect. We are active and enjoy life!!

  4. Cal says:

    I unfortunately agree with Andrea. Not sure why it is so awful to comment that you look more youthful in the navy outfit. You seem to work out and have procedures done to preserve your appearance. Nothing wrong with trying to dress in an ageless way.

    • Beth Djalali says:

      why is it unfortunate to agree with andrea? no need to apologize.

      but i will continue to point out that younger doesn’t equate to better. why is it a compliment to look ten years younger? why can’t we look our age? why does an outfit “age” us and that’s a bad thing? ageism is alive and well that’s what’s unfortunate.

      yes, i will continue to share the importance of a healthy lifestyle. exercise and the right diet are important components to chase after grandchildren or tour the streets of Italy. and procedures? if you’re referring to micro-needling or IPL or skincare products i trust and share with my readers then you’re spot on. but the conversation needs to change about aging and it begins with us. we don’t need to chase the fountain of youth. we need to give each other the grace and space to be who we are at any age. wrinkles and all.

      • Maeve says:

        This is such an interesting discussion: does aging gracefully mean taking steps to look better? What is ‘better’ in this context? Is it looking — and being — healthy? What does looking one’s age mean? Is my 65 the same as yours? If there’s one thing that we’ve learned from Covid, it’s that age is NOT just a number: if you’re over 65, you are now “elderly no matter how you feel. Also, try telling yourself that as you have to install a bar in case you slip in the tub. I want to be my best self, but is being on-trend aging gracefully or are there trends we should avoid as we age? Is saying you look younger vastly different from saying you look lovely in blue? I don’t know. It’s complicated.

        • Beth Djalali says:

          it is a complicated topic. my 63 looks quite a bit different than another woman’s 63. but wasn’t that true at 33 or 43? that’s why we need the grace and space to be who we are not start fretting about what we can or cannot do because of our age. is it a compliment to say “that hairstyle makes you look younger” what’s wrong with just saying that “hairstyle looks great?” what’s age got to do with it?

          why do we need to avoid trends just because of our age? i guess that’s the point. i recently posted on Instagram that many women think we can’t wear skirts or dresses above our knees because our knees look old or it isn’t “age appropriate”. is that really the case? or is that an outdated style rule just like not wearing white after Labor Day.

          and there are many people that have to install a bar in their tub to keep from slipping regardless of their age. but, yes, our bodies are wearing out each and every day. all the more important to pay attention to our health and wellness and self-care routines.

          • Maeve says:

            Thanks for the thoughtful reply. Age is funny. We spent our 20s — and maybe 30s — trying to look older. Now the reverse is true for many. To be young(er) is seen as desirable in the U.S., but you are right. It should not be that way.
            I’m in New England and still don’t wear white after Labor Day — LOL!

  5. Cal says:

    Well I guess you told me.

    • Beth Djalali says:

      this isn’t about “telling” you. but in order to change the conversation about aging we have to recognize that ageism in many forms exists. aging is a privilege denied to many. so let’s celebrate it flaws and all.

  6. Judith Hume says:

    I like what you’ve said here! Several years ago I went to a hairdresser who was well known for her makeovers. I liked the haircut she gave me, but I wasn’t happy with her talking endlessly about the new haircut would make me look younger. I just want to look as good as I can for my age. I’m happy to be 72 and don’t want to be advised to look younger, so thank you for speaking out on this.

    • Beth Djalali says:

      we’ve been trained for so long that looking younger is better. it takes time and effort to rethink the norm. when i first started blogging no one else had gray hair. i was an anomaly. women told me all the time “how old” i looked with gray hair. or if i “dyed” my hair it would take years off. now? gray hair is popular. it’s become the new norm. i’m thrilled you agree!

      • Sonja says:

        Well call me not “woke” but I had no issues with either Cal or Andrea’s comments and thought your response was harsh and an over reaction. I find it ironic that you would lecture your readers on ageism. Who are you trying to convince to “ accept your wrinkles and not chase the fountain of youth” — your readers or yourself??

        • Beth Djalali says:

          there are many women who do not have issues with Cal or Andrea’s comments. you are definitely not alone. ageism is alive and well when we accept a compliment that states “you look ten years younger” why is looking younger a compliment? why is looking our age carry a negative connotation? why can’t we just look good? not, you look good for your age?

          i want women of all ages, sizes, and shapes to look and feel and be the best version of themselves. that’s what this blog is about aging with grace, strength, and beauty.

          • Sonja says:

            I think our disagreement is concerning whether the comment is an example of ageism. I don’t see it as such and at 67 I’m not offended if someone says an outfit or hairstyle makes me look younger. I think we need to ask ourselves are we just trying to look good or are we really trying to look more youthful, ie younger?? If we’re supposed to accept our wrinkles and flaws then why do we spend so much time and money trying to erase them? What truly is our authentic self? I ask myself this quite frequently especially when I’m tempted to buy into a trend just to be “current” or try expensive new treatments to quite frankly “look younger.” I guess there is a fine line between looking good and trying to look younger. At what point have we gone too far?

          • Beth Djalali says:

            if a compliment is directly tied to our age and/or looking younger it is an example of ageism. does it offend me? no. but it’s not a compliment. we’ve just been trained that it’s a compliment because looking younger was our ultimate goal not looking our best. there was a time not too long ago when women dyed their hair and wouldn’t reveal their age to anyone. even their kiddos. i know a blogger who was reluctant to claim her age until this year and she’d been blogging for ten years. why? because the fashion industry doesn’t look highly upon women of a certain age. but we’ve come a long way baby!

            it’s up to us to decide how we want to age and not get into the comparison game or point out that someone had “work” done. does it matter? there are lots of women in their 30s having botox treatments. have they gone too far? i dunno. i’ve added microneedling into my skin routine and had IPL treatments to erase sun damage. does that mean i’m not accepting my wrinkles or i just want to be the best version of myself? i workout and have a clean diet. am i vain? or am i just trying to treat my body and mind with the respect it deserves?

            it’s time to allow women to have the grace and space to be who they are at any age but especially as we age. we owe it to our daughters and granddaughters to change the conversation about aging.

          • Linda says:

            Re: Sonja, if you’re wondering about your “authentic self” at the age of 67, I think that’s problematic.

            Beth’s point is pretty clear: there’s no reason to attach qualifiers to compliments.

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