pink pizazz

  1. Maria João says:

    pink + black = lovely match

  2. donnanance says:

    Pink and black…a classic combo… Love the necklace and the bag…nothing as feminine as a d’orsay pump… Enjoy your stay in Charleston. Beautiful city…pictures, please. xoxo

    • beth djalali says:

      pink and black or navy and pink are two of my all-time favorite color combo’s. i hope you are enjoying the charleston photos. what a gorgeous city.

  3. Maybe the polka dots were the inspiration first but you have to admit the hot pink garage door had to give you a lift too! Another confirmation that architecture and fashion are kissing cousins.-Laurel

  4. ronn jorden says:

    Nice One Loved that polka dot style bag….

  5. Rebecca Saffer says:

    I can see why you love pink – it looks great and so spring like with the polka dots. I love the pink necklace too. Although I am a jewelry lover since childhood, I stick to metals, especially bold silver ones rather than colored beads. Maybe I’ll branch out a bit!

    • beth djalali says:

      hi rebecca! what’s not to love about bold silver jewelry?! it sounds as if you know what you like and stick to it. if you branch out with your choices let me know what you find.

  6. Sue Smith says:

    Love the pink shoes with this. Great look!

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