how to wear leggings

  1. Linda Wescott says:

    I seriously love this look Beth, I have been wanting to give this look a spin.

  2. Sue Smith says:

    Since I’ve retired, I admit that around the house, I have fallen in love with how comfy leggings are. I definitely think the old rule of wearing bigger/looser tunics on top with skinny on the bottom is important with them. And I still sometimes wear leggings with shorter dresses–that way I get to wear some shorter dresses that would otherwise make me think I looked like I was trying to be too young. That jacket is perfect for them here.

  3. Sophia Britner Montgomery says:

    As long as the top covers the behind and crotch when sitting down! Love the blazer.

  4. Cheryll Meredith says:

    Sometimes I can’t tell if they’re leggings or skinny pants. What’s the difference?

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