vested interest

  1. la Contessa says:

    OK here I am……..YOU do not show up on the email or in the BROWSER on the computer.I will have to SEARCH for you on google then I can see the comment bubble otherwise, that does not appear!YOU LOOK SO SMART in your errand OUTFIT!Did you see SANDRA on DAILY PLATE OF CRAZY TODAY???GO PEEK……..then again tomorrow as another person YOU KNOW will be UP!BUT HOW can I follow this GRAND DAME………THE ARTIST!

    • beth djalali says:

      so, don’t give up quite yet with all of your woes with my blog. it is getting a redesign – we’ve been working on it for the past month. it will be new and improved and user friendly! i read daily plate of crazy’s series that featured sandra. what fun! isn’t she a babe?!

  2. D. A. Wolf says:

    I love this outfit! In fact, I’ve recently discovered MOST of your outfits on Instagram and I think you have mad style… Chic, saucy, timeless. LOVE it. I only wish some of us Lilliputians could pull it off, but I’m paying close attention and making mental notes. xo D. A.

    • beth djalali says:

      hi d.a,
      thanks for swinging by and dropping a note! i have to laugh at your lilliputian reference as my husband has always referred to petite women as lilliput’s! god bless all of you. i reside on the other end of the spectrum, and after living in asia for the better part of a decade i think i’ll always think of myself as an amazon woman. none of the stores carried a size 6 or above…
      xxoo beth

  3. Nikki Gwin says:

    I just found your blog and I am positive I am your ever so slightly younger sister. 🙂 Love your style!

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