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fridays with oscar

fridays with oscar

fridays with oscar

nothing better than kicking off the weekend with my buddy by my side. the weather was glorious compared to those chilly days spent in NYC. no snow, no wind, and nothin’ but sunshine. and, i might even be caught up on my sleep.

there have been several technical issues with the blog this week. thank you, for your patience as we sort them out one-by-one. the only one left is the email subscriptions are not triggering. but that should be resolved shortly. phew!

today, oscar and i headed out the door for a walk in the park. and a little rock climbing. not the traditional kind – straight up the wall. but a gentler version where we scaled one boulder. oscar was more interested in the fallen branches a.k.a. sticks than the rocks. but he’s ever so patient when it comes to photos.

for today’s ootdย it’s all about casual ease. and what’s better than a french terry zip sweatshirt? especially one with a contrasting zipper. a striped tee is always the right choice. but how cute is this one?! there’s a little pattern mix built right in with bright bold flowers sprinkled across the top. of course, friday’s and blue jeans go together like jam and toast, so it was a no-brainer to pull on a pair of dark rinse denim. didn’t i tell you christopher and banks hasย a cute spring line?!

all-in-all, friday’s off to a glorious start. make it a good one ladies.

oscar and i wish each of you a lovely weekend.

labels: denim c/o Christopher and Banks; tee c/o Christopher and Banks; sweatshirt c/oย Christopher and Banks; shoesย INC

a big thank you to Christopher and Banks for this sponsored post. and thank you, lovely readers, for supporting the brands that allow me to bring you fresh ideas.

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  1. Darlene

    I’ve been admiring that long-sleeve tee since I rushed past it in a C&B window (and actually back- tracked to check out the details). Its Parisian stripes combined with a whimsical sprinkling of flowers across the top are the perfect combination. Now I’m going to have to check out the French terry sweatshirt. Does anything feel more comfy? Totally great outfit – comfy and cute!

    1. this tee is pretty darn cute, darlene! and as far as sweatshirts go this one has an elevated look with the orange zipper. and you are so right about french terry – nothing feels more comfy! perfect weekend outfit.

  2. Sue Smith

    Oscar looks like such a sweetheart. He must be very happy to have you back home again. This has been the craziest winter–coming into work today I was bundled up with a blanket scarf and sweater. Then, it warmed up and I was yanking off the layers. Tonight, I’m bundled up again and we have a crackling fire in the fireplace. Go figure. It’s Friday–enjoy!

    Your outfit looks like the perfect coming home, relaxed ensemble.

    1. this winter will go down in the record books i think! our trees are bursting with buds about three weeks ahead of schedule. i just hope a cold front doesn’t swoop in and mess up mother natures plans.

  3. Sharon Woryn

    It all looks so comfy. Your photos with Oscar make me want a dog. We already have one but he only pays attention to me when I am cooking. Never runs to the door when I come home, wags his tail or licks my face. If my kids and grandkids show up, he is suddenly affectionate and excited to see them. He treats me like a piece of furniture.

    1. hi sharon! well, oscar gets loads of attention from us. and we take him for lots of walks. do you go on walks with your dog? it’s time spent with them and they love getting out of the house. there’s a whole new world just waiting for them outside our door.

  4. donnanance

    Cute and comfy outfit for outdoor activities with Oscar…the sparkly shoes add some fun… xoxo

Navy Coat winter outfit

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