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fridays with oscar

fridays with oscar

fridays with oscar

fridays with oscar

fridays with oscar

fridays with oscar

fridays with oscar

today, oscar is paying a visit to the vet. nothing out of the ordinary, only a kennel cough shot and new meds for fleas, ticks, and heartworm. all the protection a fella needs here in the hot humid south. needless to say, oscar is always a hit with the lovely veterinary staff that takes time to chat with us. as you can see, oscar thought his best behavior warranted a new toy. somewhat like those lollipops and stickers generously doled out after my children received a dreaded shot from the pediatric nurse. and speaking of children, i have all three home this weekend. there’s nothing like time spent with the fam. i’ve thrown a menu together: shrimp linguine, avocado salad and french baguette on saturday night. smoked salmon frittata, hash browns, bacon and lemon yogurt pound cake for sunday brunch. what do think? of course, the fridge has been stocked both upstairs and down. isn’t it just fun to surprise those you love with their personal favorites? it’s the little things in life that mean the most. mr. style and i spent the better part of the day running errands, buying groceries, and taking the vw for a spin through the car wash. so my ootd was casual through and through. and what’s better than a sundress on a day when i’m on the move in triple digit heat? plus, i have my market tote with me in case i need some extra storage space. like oscar’s new toy… a pair of cute summer sandals, a few baubles, and i’m ready to zip up to hartsfield to pick up some precious cargo.

oscar and i wish each of you a lovely weekend! tgif.

labels: dress: Max Studio (similar here and here); tote J.Jill (similar here and here); sandals Michael Kors (similar here and here)

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  1. Sounds like a splendid weekend coming up! You are making me miss my mama even more. I got a kick out of Oscar choosing his toy. And I do so wonder which he decided on.
    ๐Ÿ™‚ gwingal

  2. Diane Zueck

    Your menu sounds delicious. Isn’t it nice to cook for those you love? Have a great time. Your outfit is so perfect for those hot humid days. Enjoy your weekend!

  3. Sue Smith

    Enjoy seeing your men! I went up to visit my son and daughter-in-law in Boston about a month ago, and was as excited as a little kid myself. And I love it when they come here; it just does my heart good–never fails. (And my son is almost 40!) Your meals are right up my alley–that frittata sounds wonderful! I imagine they’ll devour it.

    The summery dress and sandals look cool for these triple digit days we’re having here in the southeast. Oscar is in fine form–must be all the walking he gets in. Sweet dog!

    Have a great weekend.

  4. donnanance

    Oscar had a big day! He is always so well-behaved. His mama raised him right…ha! You look very cool (and chic) in your summer dress. Think I used to have a similar one (back in the days when I was still showing my arms). Enjoy your boys…no matter how old they are, they are still “the boys”. Your menus sound divine…enjoy… xoxo

  5. Dawn Lucy

    You and Oscar are the cutest! Love your cool summer look!

    Dawn Lucy

Navy Coat winter outfit

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