can you believe five months of the year have sailed past? memorial day weekend has arrived. and with it the official kick-off for summer. oscar and i are getting a head start on the holiday festivities by sleeping in! this girl is pooped. and i’ve never seen oscar refuse a good snooze. chicago and savannah were ever so fun to visit. but now it’s time to regroup before diving headfirst into june! but never fear. i’ve gone to the archives to bring you some of my favorite blog posts from last spring. i’ve included a lookbook at the end of this post for shopping links.
if you are on snapchat (the latest craze) join me monday night for a Q&A session. snap or email your questions – i answer 3 every monday (maybe 4 if there is a deluge of questions). here’s my snapchat handle:
i’m loving snapchat as the snap only has a lifespan of 24 hours. it’s laid back, fun, and organic. and a great way to connect with all of you lovely and amazing readers in a more personal way. yesterday, i snapped my way to a much-needed facial. boy do i feel better already! last monday, i shared how i style my hair, how the blog came into existence, and coming attractions on the blog. so snap or email your questions. i’ll see you monday night!
oscar and i wish each or you a lovely (and safe) memorial day weekend! have fun. thank you for tuning in!