Falafel with Tahini Yogurt Sauce

  1. Mary says:

    The falafel recipe looks yummy. Thanks for sharing

  2. Georgia Peach says:

    Hi Kelly,
    Such a great post!
    Our youngest son lives in Istanbul researching for his PhD.
    He travels extensively and falafel is one of his favorite dishes
    Of course I had to learn to make it.
    I’ll definitely be trying your recipe.
    Looking forward to more of your posts.
    Thanks for sharing

  3. Nancy B. says:

    Hi Kelly, thanks for sharing this delicious sounding dish. I will definitely be making this at some point in the future.

  4. Lindsey A says:

    Work has been crazy so I’m playing catch up with the blog and only just seeing this. Curious as to the Cupertino place – I’m in Sunnyvale and always looking for great med/middle eastern food places. Wondering if it’s Falafel Stop on Sunnyvale-Saratoga, or somewhere else?

    I love falafel, so at some point will try this recipe! Looks so light inside, beautiful!

  5. Rosalie says:

    Soaking chickpeas now, making falafel along with ham for Easter dinner, my son is a vegetarian and I never know what to make for him. Thanks for sharing, I’ll let you know how it turns out.

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