fridays with oscar

  1. Maria João says:

    When I saw the snake on the picture i asked myself: didn’t Beth run? I know I would. I would do just like you looking all the corners imagening other snakes sunning around. Didn’t oscar feel curious and try to smell it to “say” hi?

  2. Melinda says:

    LOL Beth. Welcome to Georgia! The snake thing is something I had to go through too when I moved down here from NYS 3 years ago. I’m slowly feeling comfortable enough to venture into my garden.

  3. Jodie Filogomo says:

    I’m with you…snakes are creepy!! Good thing Oscar felt the same way! I’m a little jealous of the good weather although our snow should be melted by the weekend!! But here’s to another date night with tights in my corner of the world!! jodie

    • beth djalali says:

      just when you think winter is over it strikes another blow. march always seemed to be the snowiest month in minnesota. but i can remember thinking if i saw one more snowflake i just might have a meltdown… hangeth thou in there!
      xoxo beth

  4. Ha! That snake is something else! I’m sure you’ll get used to it…?!??? At least you and Oscar look fabulous!

    Have a great weekend!

    • beth djalali says:

      thanks, andrea! i can assure you that i will never get used to snakes… they were commonplace in houston, and i would catch glimpses of them in minneapolis. but i’m not a fan of reptiles!
      xoxo beth

  5. donnanance says:

    Ewwww, snakes! Other than that, the scenery is beautiful. How does Oscar feel about reptiles? xoxo

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