fridays with oscar

  1. donnanance says:

    Dante looks only slightly worried…after all, Oscar probably seemed like a giant to him. Glad to hear they all got along famously. You always look great in black and white. Happy New Year! xoxo

    • beth djalali says:

      lol! he was a bit worried at first. but oscar won him over by the end of the trip.
      happy new year, sweet friend! wishing you a prosperous 2017.

  2. Bonnie Schulte says:

    Happy New Year Beth. I enjoyed “meeting” you ,on your blog this year, and look forward to seeing you in 2017..Bonnie in Central Wisconsin

    • beth djalali says:

      hi bonnie! and happy new year. can you believe it’s here?!
      stay warm! i have to admit i don’t miss the weather january – march in the midwest… it’s always touch and go.

  3. Sue Smith says:

    Oscar and Dante look like sweet buds. And you look great–love those shoes! I’m sure I have too many shoes, (what’s that?) but I’m always a sucker for a good-looking pair.

    Made me smile: we are babysitting “the kids,” (two teeny pups weighing about 10 lbs together–and even together, they hardly make up the equivalent of one whole dog!) They are entertaining–we’ll have them here for a week while their parents head to the Keys for a New Year celebration. Olivia and Lenny follow us around and cuddle with us to their hearts’ delight. Lots of walks outside, and watching the birds from inside, at the windows overlooking the back deck. New Christmas toys are fascinating, and so are dog treats: any cherished time we get out the bag, tails wag like crazy.

    Very exciting stuff. Life should be so simple. I want to come back as one of them next time. Seriously. Happy New Year!!

    • beth djalali says:

      dante and oscar had a grand time together. even if dante was overwhelmed by oscar’s size.
      what’s this about too many shoes? my hands are over my ears and i’m saying, “lalalalalalal.”
      so happy you rang in the new year with your grand pups! what could be better than that.

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