reader favorites 2020 April, May, and June

  1. RORY says:

    Thanks for your blog. I really enjoy reading it. I like your hair shorter.

  2. Elizabeth Husar says:

    Hi Beth I really like the combination of your suede jacket and blue shirt and white jeans.

  3. Gloria sutton says:

    It is very hard to pick an outfit
    all of them are gorgeous.
    A little down but when I see your post
    I go back to normal again.
    Love the navy blazer with those pretty buttons.!!

  4. Lauren says:

    Well this is optimistic…..we are only 8 days into Winter with 2.5 months of SNOW to come and you are looking at Spring.
    I used to be able to see what other readers posted as Comments….those do not show at all now….where did they go?

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