the sunday brief | accessories

  1. Rebecca Saffer says:

    I am a flats wearer from way back and recently found a pair of Ferragamo tan colored loafers that I left at work several years ago. I just brought them home for a polish and shoe care update and will enjoy these shoes this fall. I love the long red and black floral jacket/sweater in the first photo – is it still available? Great video as always and terrific flat shoe options.

  2. Cathy Mc. says:

    Love the advice on flats, but OMG, the coat you are wearing in the pics with the gray jeans and yellow pointed flats! Is that a recent purchase?

  3. Sue Smith says:

    I admit I wear all flat shoes now. My whole life, I have always been a shoe fanatic. My mom taught us to love quality shoes–we grew up with a love of good Italian, French, and Spanish leathers and shoes. And I wore heels for most of my life, but now with RA, I steer clear of them, because I have excruciatingly painful knees. The good thing is– there is still an infinite variety of gorgeous flat shoes available, so I can still be a shoe fiend, but they are most definitely flat. And I don’t miss the sore feet one bit! But others still look fabulous in heels.

  4. Deanna says:

    I have a bad back so I do better with a low heel or flats. So happy at all the on trend and classic styles!

  5. Devon says:

    I love your black loafers with the brown lizard insets – what brand are they?

    Also, I have admired many of the new mules, but I seem to lose my shoes when they don’t have a back on them. Is there a special trick to keep one’s mules on? Maybe it’s because I have a narrow foot that doesn’t fill the entire space of the shoe.

    Thanks for a fun post!

  6. I know we’re supposed to be talking about shoes but I adore that patterned coat you’re wearing to it looks like a Christmas party. Fabulous on you with the yellow peeking out. I still have flats I bought in Europe years ago. Still in style.

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