leather tunes

  1. Sue Smith says:

    The jacket looks wonderful–I think it’s really a classic. You were smart to go for a different style moto this time–it’ll be fun to style different ways. I wish I could wear the heels–I spent most of my life in them, but I’m heading to the surgeon this Friday to discuss double total knee replacements and I don’t think they’re in my future now. I’ll enjoy them on you! thankfully there are still lots of cute flat shoes. I’ve always loved and had tons of shoes.

  2. Imastounded says:

    Now this is my kind of look. I have grey suede pumps, too, but for some reason never wear them with black (only with navy in the warmer months). Time to change that up.

  3. DriftwoodLover says:

    Love it.

  4. suzanne robertson says:

    Fall is my favorite time of year with all the deep rusts and burnt oranges. But I have to say “spring orange” revives me soul. I love the grey and orange combo. Although we are still in the depth of winter here, it gives one hope just to think about Spring 🙂

  5. Vicki Packham says:

    Those shoes make me smile. I love how the color repeats the color of your hair. I wonder if that works with brunettes too. So striking on you Beth.

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