FASTer Way to Fat Loss

  1. Sue Smith says:

    That’s fabulous–you look terrific, Beth! Sounds like an excellent program. I can tell you are doing well–you look like you’re getting good and toned.

    I actually eat a lot like the guidelines you mention, (which I began some years ago to support health issues I deal with,) and while I’m not doing quite what you are doing, water is my drug–meaning I love the pool! I work out a lot in the water and it’s gentle on my joints but also gives me a great workout. I also use paddles and tubes and things to increase resistance and they all push me to do all I can. If I spend an hour in the pool most days, it’s very easy for me to do but boy, I feel it! (Water, I’m told, is 12x the resistance than just “on land” exercise, so it helps me accomplish more than I probably could on land with my issues.) Intermittent fasting is something I do all the time, because it helps with pain issues, too–so interesting to hear it’s built into this program. I’ve found it very beneficial.

    I’m currently preparing for two total knee replacement surgeries I’m facing, and so I’m pushing myself even harder to get my muscles as strong as possible. It’s work, but it’s so worth it!

    Keep it up–you are doing great, and you look wonderful.

    • beth djalali says:

      it’s fascinating to learn what we eat is directly related to our health. and while there are so many things outside of our control, like your arthritis, there are still so many things we can control with the proper nutrition and exercise. God bless you with two upcoming knee replacements. but i’m so happy you’re working hard to keep those muscles intact before surgery. you are one smart cookie, sue!

  2. Terrie Lynch-Chilton says:

    I signed up and thought it was flexible for my lifestyle, I’m an international flight attendant and flying nights and eating foods in different countries. I just couldn’t make it work. Glad it’s working for you. You look great!

  3. Linda Ebright says:

    Thanks to a previous post I also joined the FWTFL gang. I LOVE this program. I just ate this amazing lunch and said to my hubbie “this is my favorite eating plan ever. I am eating such good food and I’m so full”. I love planning my macros for the next day. It really keeps me on plan and since I love to cook, it all fits together nicely. And when we eat out, I make that work, too! I can’t do a lot of the workout moves due a knee injury, but I do my own workout thing regularly. Thanks so much to you for helping me find this program. I should say that I’m 62 years old and I’m so thrilled to be reshaping my “menopause middle”!

    • beth djalali says:

      well this comment certainly brings a smile to my face! what is not to LOVE about FWTFL. you know first hand that it works. isn’t it amazing what our bodies are capable of doing? keep going my friend!

  4. Kim Mawhiney says:

    You look great! You may enjoy a book that my husband and I are reading and recommended by several called, Younger Next Year. All about how at 50-60 years old we can create really strong bodies and avoid so many problems most older folks face. I’m 58 and love your classy sense of style, and now adding the fitness portion is inspiring me as well. I’m a master of disguise with my clothing, but I know what’s underneath and it ain’t pretty!

    • beth djalali says:

      thanks for the recommendation, kim. i will be sure to check it out. and i have to tell you that our bodies are amazing machines and respond well to whatever challenge we give them. i cannot tell you how proud i feel after i finish a kick-your-butt workout. it’s a true sense of accomplishment! it’s true what they say “healthy body, healthy mind.”

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