Top Five November

  1. Laurie Brown says:

    I purchased the emagazine and was enjoying it and then something happened
    with Dropbox and I haven’t been able to access it again. Please advise.

    • beth djalali says:

      hi laurie! we sent a new link to your email address. when you receive it download the eMagazine to your phone, tablet or computer. there are three downloads available with your purchase. then you will have unlimited access to the eMagazine. let us know if you encounter any other issues. happy holidays! xo

  2. Laurie Brown says:

    Thank you for the prompt reply. The link worked perfectly and I’m back in business.

    It really is a beautifully composed magazine. I’m enjoying it very much.

    Happy Holidays!

  3. sueannerobinson says:

    Love your blog and looking forward to seeing what’s in store for 2019! I appreciate that we get to see you wearing many of the clothes you feature, it’s helpful for us to see a woman we can relate to wearing them rather than a skinny 18 year old model. You’ve created a lovely conversational style. I’m curious Beth, how many people put together your blog?

    • beth djalali says:

      hi sue! apologies for the late response. this time of year gets tricky for me to stay abreast of everything with the blog and still have time for friends and family. thanks so much for your sweet words of encouragement! as for how many people help with the blog i have two part-timers and one tech team. next year we plan on adding a full-time person to help ease the workload. can’t wait! xo

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