polka dot swing

  1. Nikki G says:

    I have to ask, do you ever look in your closet and think, I have nothing to wear?? Have a great day at your luncheon!

    • beth djalali says:

      i do! all the time, but then i roll my sleeves up and start mixing-and-matching and then voila – an ootd for both you and me. if i had to, i could probably wear a sweater and jeans everyday and be happy as a clam. but then i started this style blog… funny story as this morning i woke up late and hadn’t decided what to wear to dress for success luncheon. so i just pulled up an older blog post and the decision was made in seconds.
      xoxo beth

  2. Jeanette Ziolkowski says:

    Hi Beth, relatively new fan here. I look forward to your posts daily. Can you tell me the brand of your handbag in this post? Really cute!

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